Healthy Habits You Need to Do Right Now to Optimize Your Creativity

Since most of us are working from home, sitting and staring at our screens practically all day, it’s easy to be drained of our energy and creativity.

To avoid this, we need to have healthy habits to sustain and maintain a creative mind. Here are some tips you can apply to optimize your brain performance.


1. Have a Good Rest and Sleep

This is a no brainer. Our brains need to shut down to recuperate to be able to work wonderfully again the next day.

Doing all-nighters and not getting good sleep may lead to long term damage in your brain.


2. Healthy Diet and Exercise

Avoid junk foods, enhancers, alcohol, and other substances that will only cloud your mind and will cause damage with prolonged use.

Instead, eat healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, and meat, and exercise at least 15 to 20 minutes a day to help the good circulation of blood through your body and mind.

3. Hydrate – a lot

Drink lots of water. This will also help the supply of more oxygen to your brain, causing it to function better.

4. Breathe and meditate

Like a computer, when we are overloaded and overworked, our efficiency goes down.

So take a break every once and awhile, and meditate as an added maintenance to your mind. This will help declutter your thoughts and clear your mind which would improve the free flow of ideas when you really need it.

5. Let Your Mind Wander

Exercise your mind and let it wander once in a while. You can sketch or write down any ideas as soon as it gets to you, or think about and broaden the things you’re passionate about, and try to put it into action.

6. 3 Hs – Healthy Hobbies and Habits

Put yourself in a good mood by keeping healthy habits and hobbies.

You can do walks, stretching, some singing and dancing, or video games, watching, or other things you can do to help give you inspiration for your creative mind.


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