Self-teaching vs. Formal Education in Graphic Design

With the transition to a digitized work environment comes a myriad of challenges in education. Acquiring formal schooling in graphic design has become more demanding, as it thrives in an industry that has adapted well to the current shifts. 


Accomplishment as a graphic designer tends to rely on the knowledge an individual has about applications and web platforms. One school of thought states that you can succeed with self-taught education. Whereas formal teaching fosters a setting wherein you can really hone your design skills. In the end, it all boils down to your preference and comfort. Check out the differences between self-teaching and formal education in graphic design:



Without a fixed curriculum to adhere to, self-taught graphic designers are usually clueless about how to begin learning. They may be inclined to just stick with whatever graphic design references they come across online. 


Formal education, on the other hand, employs a systemic program in which every area of inquiry in graphic design is delved into. You will not miss out on the history and basic concepts because these are provided in a structured manner. Obtaining a degree also leverages you when seeking job opportunities. 



A curriculum is inextricable from a schedule. People who undergo graphic design courses follow a schedule wherein they attend required classes at a given time and classroom. In general, formal schooling has assigned subjects for each day, which may be advantageous to most students. 


Meanwhile, individuals who are self-taught enjoy a school-life balance because of their freedom from a predetermined schedule. They gravitate towards a pace that suits their lifestyle. In addition to this, several resources and free courses are readily available online. They can be accessed anytime and anywhere. 


Social Networks

In self-teaching, you must hold yourself accountable all the time. You have the obligation to manage the topics you need to study. When a subject matter is incomprehensible, researching online and reading books alone will become a routine. 


Professional help is available for formal education since your instructors are within easy reach. You can contact them through email and other accessible communication platforms. This goes the same for your classmates. Developing relationships with peers is a good decision career-wise because they are able to provide constructive criticism and feedback. 



If you do not already have a source of income, formal schooling can become a financial issue. Most university tuition fees attributed to a graphic design program cost thousands of money. This notion is mainly due to the expenses of required equipment, materials, and resources. 


You can either apply for student loans or opt for self-teaching. A benefit you may gain from an increasingly digital world is the free-of-charge characteristics of almost all materials you necessitate. There are a number of graphic design platforms at one’s disposal that put forward free services.