How to Overcome Creative Burnout

Burnout is unfortunate and it happens to almost everyone at one point or another. But it can be a lot harder on those who are involved in the creative space as it exhausts your soul where you mostly acquire your creative energy. Understandably, this could lead to being unmotivated in accomplishing your tasks. 


When creative burnout hits, it is important to have a strategy to navigate your way through it. Most times, you would be told to take some time to rest in order to get back on your feet. So what exactly can you do to overcome this minor setback in your career?

  • Acknowledge Your Feelings
      • The first step to overcoming a creative burnout is to accept that you are human, and that you have hit your limit. You can reflect on how you are feeling to help identify the cause. 
  • Learn to Say No
      • As a creative, it is important to realize that you cannot just keep accepting projects because you have to, especially when you don’t find the concept interesting at all or it does not align with the vision that you have in mind that you feel like you won’t be able to put your all into the project. 
  • Take A Break
      • You must give yourself some time to regain your creative energy and your brain to relax its creative muscles. There is no harm in taking some time off to rest and take care of yourself.
  • Find Another Creative Outlet
      • There are a lot of other hobbies to choose from in which you could still be creative and are also completely unrelated to the type of work you have been doing. This keeps your creative juices flowing and helps you relax and ease back into your work assignment.
  • Treat Yourself With Kindness
    • It is common for creatives to have a bit of perfectionism in them which could possibly be one of the factors for burnout in the first place. It’s important to remind yourself of your past accomplishments to keep you going and overcome your self-doubt when trying to complete a project.